I use to blame my laziness is the reason why I don’t do things that I know will benefit me from doing.

Before, I thought that the real reason why I am not doing things is because I am “Lazy” or that “I don’t see the upside/value of doing it” as per say.

But you know what I really found out what the reason is?

But before that, let me tell you a story.

One day, I was so confuse and I was struggling. I thought on myself why am I still not successful and happy as I wanted to be? before I thought having a GOAL is very important, but it is more important to be CLEAR bout your GOAL than just having it, because that’s how our brain work.PERIOD (I always have this goal in mind)
You see, I know what I want; But I’m not CLEAR!!!

I want to be successful? That’s VAUGE (How successful do you want to be?)
I want to PROFIT 1 Million Pesos every single month (it should be quantifiable for your mind to be at work) – That’s different! that’s CLEARER!!!
REASON (Because I want to generously give help to people I care about)

I want to be happy, That’s VAUGE(what do you mean by being happy?) – Be brutally CLEAR – I mean, I know that I want to be successful and happy and I have been in pursuit of it for a few years already but why is it so elusive. I know that I’m giving everything I got and even doing the so called “Extra miles“, but why am I still not there?

Then this phrase just came up to mind

“With a thousand different things you can do everyday, why are you doing what you are doing?”
“With hundreds and thousands of people on the internet, why did you choose to contact me?”

You see, if you cannot answer this question within the next 5 to 10 seconds. I’m telling you right away that you lack CLARITY of what you REALLY WANT. That is why, what you are doing is either “Wrong thing” (You are doing the wrong things), “You are doing unnecessary things”.


FOR MYSELF : I want to be wealthy, successful and I want to be a Coach, a Consultant, an Advisor that help people become more successful or achieve success for themselves. I wanted to be a Motivational Speaker/Success Coach/Personal Development Coach!

  • if I can stir you to the idea of “if you just develop yourself, then you can become successful”, then I have done my job.

It’s because I lack CLARITY. to make it simple, I’m not CLEAR about what I wanted to do, what I wanted to achieve and what actions an I willing to take to get there and to achieve result. It’s the same reason why I am lazy and the same reason why I don’t see the upside/value of doing it.


I love speak, and I love motivating other people into action!

If you are not excited to wakeup in the morning and do the work you need to do(that needs to be done!). Then you need to stop and rethink; am I really doing what I want?


Write my own book titled : Clarity (sub : the number one reason why people success)

  • You see, I will not write this book just to earn money, I badly want to push the movement because I know People need it.
  • You see why successful are successful? because they are CLEAR about what they want and they deliberately do things to become more successful.


I’m a SUCCESS COACH, what do I mean by success? that is what we will define (base on client’s definition of success)

  • I’m a success coach and I help business people become more successful thru personal development.